Human rights and sustainable development

I P Huse work continuously to comply with the management system in all parts of our organization.

HMS- og Miljøpolicy (Norwegian)

Redegjørelse for aktsomhetsvurderinger (Norwegian)

- We will run a healthy business with a strong focus on the environment, society and responsibility for employees.

- We work with a systematic approach in cooperation with representatives from our employees and management to to secure equal rights to all of our employees.

- We work actively and systematically to promote equality, prevent discrimination on the grounds of sex, pregnancy, maternity or adoption leave, care duties, ethnicity, religion, outlook on life, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or combinations of these grounds, and seek to prevent harassment, sexual harassment and gender-based violence. The work includes the areas of recruitment, pay and working conditions, promotion, development opportunities, facilitation and the opportunity to combine work and family life.

- Well-being, security and a collective environmental responsibility, will characterize our daily operations, and we will continuously improve our environmental work, and further comply with the local environmental laws where we run our business.  

- We will strive to use suppliers who live up to our quality and environmental requirements. 

- We work towards the most efficient use of energy and raw materials, while we work systematically to streamline the use of resources to reduce emissions and waste.  

- Through information, attitude-creating work and inclusion, we will contribute to strengthening environmental awareness among our employees.  

- We work continuously to reduce the pollution to the air, soil and water. 

-Since 2021 I P Huse AS has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.

SustHuman rights and sustainable development